Category: Internet of Things
The Return of the Paperless Manufacturing Movement
When I think about the reduction of paper use in production—the so-called “paperless manufacturing”—I don’t feel that it is particularly innovative. I’ve been hearing about this for 15 years and […]
Smart Manufacturing and Its Effect on System Integration
There are many different points of view when it comes to explaining what the term “smart manufacturing” means. The concept is complex because the term has very different meanings depending […]
Industry 4.0 or Industrial Internet of Things — What’s Your Preference?
In most cases, the terms Industry 4.0 or Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are used interchangeably. But these two terms, though referring to similar technologies and applications, have different origins […]
Industrial Internet of Things Integration
Industrial and economic analysts predict that over the next ten years the demand for mass-produced, highly personalized products will guide innovation of production processes and organization. This will require the […]
Why Use Manufacturing Analytics?
I recently attended three different conferences. One of the common themes that emerged is the value that statistical data processing can bring to the manufacturing process. This is referred to […]
Manufacturing Trends and the MES Connection
When referencing big manufacturing trends these days—those trends that evolve rapidly and have a significant impact on changing operations where they are applied—we are often referring to one of four […]