Tag: Industry 4.0
Carlsberg Leverages IoT to Scale Digital Transformation Across Global Sites
Founded 172 years ago, Carlsberg is a Danish Brewing company with a global presence that is one of the world’s leaders in the brewing industry. With over 140 brewed beverages, […]
What Happens When The Agile Culture Becomes a Trend?
I’m happy to publish an article written from my colleague Endless Martinengi Project Manager at Autoware.“We want these deliverables, in this many hours. Can you give us a time and […]
IoT Applied to Marketing
I’m happy to publish an article written from my colleague Francesca Panceri, sales engineer at Autoware.The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most important trends of the 21st […]
Industrial Marketing in the 4.0 Era
I’m happy to publish an article written from my colleague Francesca Panceri, sales engineer at Autoware.“Industrial history is littered with technically excellent ideas that have generated no economic return, so […]
Augmented Reality on the Production Line
Augmented reality (AR) is one of the most trending technologies associated with any Industry 4.0 or smart manufacturing initiative. No client says he’s not interested in evaluating it and understanding […]
Analytics – Beyond the Value of Information
For some time, we said that “data is the new oil” to indicate how much value and power there is in having data available. Having data means having knowledge of […]
How Digital Transformation Happens
When talking about digital transformation, it’s typically related to four upcoming technology megatrends: cloud computing, mobility, Big Data and social. Though each of these four technologies can have a tremendous […]
The Digital Supply Chain
Since first developing projects to optimize production management, a shift has occurred in recent years that sees competition not just from manufacturing companies, but the full supply chain. The days […]
CSIA Certification Is More Relevant Than Ever
My company recently went through the process of re-auditing for CSIA Certification. As you can imagine, as the time for the audit time approached, we concentrated more and more heavily […]
Industry 4.0: Evolution or Revolution?
There’s an ongoing debate if Industry 4.0 (or Smart Manufacturing) is a revolution or just an evolution, with conference speakers bringing arguments in favor of one side or the other. […]