Tag: MOM
Three Steps to Start the Smart Manufacturing Journey
There has been a lot of discussion about smart manufacturing lately, and many initiatives have turned their focus from manufacturing execution systems (MES) and manufacturing operations management (MOM) to smart […]
Integrating Maintenance Management Into MES
The need to reduce all forms of inefficiency and reduce capital investment by maximizing the use of existing assets rather than acquiring new ones is leading many companies to pay […]
Smart Manufacturing and the Continuing Need for MES
The phrase “smart manufacturing” has been heard everywhere this past year, and has become part of every discussion related to manufacturers’ need for a manufacturing execution system (MES) or manufacturing […]
The Role of Manufacturing in Economic Development
During the last 20 years, globalization has drastically changed the manufacturing world. No longer bound by geography, many companies moved their production elsewhere solely based on the reduction in labor […]
Why Use Manufacturing Analytics?
I recently attended three different conferences. One of the common themes that emerged is the value that statistical data processing can bring to the manufacturing process. This is referred to […]
Manufacturing Trends and the MES Connection
When referencing big manufacturing trends these days—those trends that evolve rapidly and have a significant impact on changing operations where they are applied—we are often referring to one of four […]
MES, MOM, agile nelle interviste di Bitmat
Bitmat pubblica una serie di video interviste raccolte in occasione dell’evento Autoware sull’evoluzione dei sistemi MES del 24 marzo 2015. Per vedere il TG di Bitmat clicca qui
Agile Project Management Questions Answered, Part 2 or How to Manage Change in Automation Project Scope
This column is the third (and last) installment on how the less conventional agile project management approach can be crucial to manufacturing execution system (MES)/manufacturing operations management (MOM) project success for the […]
Agile Project Management Questions Answered, Part 1
Last month I wrote about how an unconventional, agile project management approach can be crucial to the success of a manufacturing execution system (MES) or manufacturing operations management (MOM) project. I did […]